Education & learning

At Veterans Memorial Park

Pensacola, FL

I cannot remember every book I've read any more than every meal I've eaten; even so, they have made me.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

For the past 30 years, Veterans Memorial Park has been honoring the heroes who sacrificed everything for the freedoms that we enjoy. It is a place of repose and reflection, as well as one of learning. Home to more than a dozen world-class memorials and monuments commemorating major conflicts throughout our history, the park provides our youth an opportunity to connect with the heroes of those conflicts and their experiences. A guided tour of the park provides an unforgettable lesson in American history, civics, and art.  Contact us to schedule a tour!

Field Trips

We specifically offer you:

  • Guided or unguided tours for classes, clubs, teachers, or other interested groups to support general or specific learning objectives
  • Support for specific student projects or assignments in history, art, technology, or other applicable subjects.
  • An event venue for bands, choruses, drill teams, sports (e.g. charity runs) and other groups.
  • The opportunity to participate in ceremonial events. (e.g. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and others)
  • The ability for students to gain community service hours or volunteer points

K - 12 Curriculum & Lesson Plans

In our efforts to support educators and parents, we've made available custom lesson plans for K-12 students based on relevant topics. It is our hope that these materials will help educate and inspire future generations while sharing with them our stories. We encourage you to download these lessons free of charge with the links below.

K-8 Curriculum

9-12 Curriculum

Education Partnerships

As a fixture in the local and Veteran communities, we strive to be an invaluable resource for students and educators. With this in mind, we have partnered with various non-profit organizations who focus education. One such institution is The Global Corner, a non-profit that provides opportunities for the children of Northwest Florida to learn about world languages, cultures, and geography through innovative, educational programs.

Click Below to Learn More

The Milton High School NJROTC made their annual trip to The Park on Wednesday September 14th

CWO5 Rob Fernandez brought the 46 first year cadets of his program to the park for a guided tour of the Park monuments, the significance of the events they honor in our country’s history, and some more history, the reasons that we honor those that have sacrificed all for our freedom. 

For other events or activities you might have in mind just contact us or call 850.434.6119




On the Downtown Pensacola Bayfront Shoreline.

Pensacola, FL, USA

200 S. 10th Ave

Pensacola, FL, 32502

As JROTC organizations, classes, and student groups from Northwest Florida and beyond document their experiences at The Park, we'll share those experiences here. Be sure to follow us on Social Media as well to see more!

Pensacola High School Air Force JROTC

Pensacola High School Air Force JROTC


An NJROTC Cadet finds his Great-Grandfather's name on Wall South.